Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
GODFATHERS of L A PUNK on Stage in Fall of 2009

The Rock 'n Roll Gods know we were holding our breath for this magic moment during all those years.
Couldn't post it earlier but it's confirmed: our Man James Williamson is getting back on stage with Iggy Pop .,25197,25511689-601,00.html
Watch out for a Fall World Tour!!!!
Let's Rock!!!!!!
Philippe Mogane
Siamese Dogs Records CEO.
Labels: godfathers of L A PUNK, iggy pop, james williamson, punk, siamese dogs records, stooges
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
VOTE FOR the 44th PRESIDENT, Mister BARACK OBAMA! The other choice is Death Penalty for HUMANITY!!!

Labels: ELECTION 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Its' TIME To Wake UP Again AMERICA!!!
Please, Get up Your Couch; leave behind French Fries, Twinkies and Beers To Go AND VOTE!!!
OK! Now, there are No 2 ways about it!
Deep down inside their souls and hearts, Native and Caucasian North American, Hispanic, Asian, or whatever their ethnic origin, Voters have to ask themselves:
“Am I A Racist? Or NOT?”
(I do realize it’s not an easy task for you have to turn over some corners of your Being and face the darkest side of your mind.)
“Am I ready/desirous to have an Icon of Slavery as the 44th President of the United States of America?”
(A French Senegalese dear friend of mine and I took on a Journey from NYC to LA, via San Francisco, back to NYC in a Greyhound bus in the Summer of 1966. A travel, I would title: “Uneasy Riders” that left us with a sour taste in the confrontation of hate: non-stop harassment by policemen, passers-by and white Americans. We did reach a moment of grace when we finally arrived at the University of Berkeley and joined in an exhilarating rally for Martin Luther King. That was ONLY 42 years ago!)
“Am I going to keep on believing those enormously unbelievable prevaricators who have invaded the U S Government in 1998 using President Bill Clinton’s trial to take over a disassembled Administration and torn apart Democratic Movement?”
“Am I dumb and gullible or shutting my eyes even though I KNOW?”
“Is there anything that propels me to Happiness and let me deliberately be part of the big lies, greed and murders to let my Racism capture my Soul and knock off my place in Heaven?”
“Am I so enraged and so afraid the White House (built with a pure white and finest French plaster of Paris) will turn Black?”
“Am I prone to become poorer taking away with me ALL my compatriots by stupidly electing Liars, Cheaters, Warmongers, hateful Christians and Money hungry happy few, again and again?”
The same ones who are depriving 80% of the entire World population, species and vegetal, of what is left to satisfy their deep, deeply abysmal, safes and pockets.
So, what will it be?
The Time has come! There is No return!
“Will it be an old, late 19th Century Conservative, who after gloriously commendable days (at a time when soldiers were spit upon by their fellow Americans and most of my friends are still visiting Mental facilities under the V A supervision) has already plentifully fulfilled his financial greed and married Cindy Lou Hensley McCain, the chair of Hensley & Co., founded by her father and one of the largest Anheuser-Busch beer distributors in the United States, (just have a look at their IRS income files to KNOW those people are NOT concerned by YOU, just like the Bush Dynasty wasn’t, and NO matter their late disclaim of NOT pertaining to the most disastrous politics ever, they ARE part of the herd).”
“Am I willing to realize that in his last-chance attempt for power McCain has dared to opt for the treacherous irresponsibility to leave the country at the mercy of an uneducated female Kaiser whose sole understanding of international relations is a look (through binoculars) at Russia while her excuse for not being prepared to deal with North America Ethnic conflicts is that Alaska is far from the Mexican borders?”
Should we say more?
This is so grossly criminally ridiculous that we don’t even have to mention her implementation of medical fees for women who have been raped in her state.
Should hobbies such as animal killing suffice in regard to the value of this person?
A pure Christian prompt to have the OTHER HUMAN BEING, unbeliever/questioner of HER fundamentalist Faith, be killed!
We want peace in each of our lives.
If that is your goal, we encourage you to vote for Obama.
For Americans, who need translation, “Hussein” means “Beautiful”: in plain English.
I would pick, in a second, this first name if I was left with a choice between: “Walker” or “Dick.”
Be well, and all of us.
Peace, Love & Kisses.
Philippe MOGANE